01 02 03 Genderqueer Chicago: Pride or ...? Safe Space Discussion this Weds. 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Pride or ...? Safe Space Discussion this Weds.


While many LGBT people climb aboard floats and raise the rainbow flags in June, others are less comfortable in the midst of the celebration. Pride month can be a complicated time for people working through gender stuff.

Join us for a safe space discussion on how all the different ways we relate to the concept of "Pride."

Wednesday, June 22
7pm- 8:15
Access Living (115 w. Chicago)

Safe space meetings are strictly closed to researchers and reporters in their professional capacities. Meetings are open to anyone else wanting to talk and think about gender! For more info, give us a shout at genderqueerchicago@gmail.com
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