01 02 03 Genderqueer Chicago: A Message from Project Fierce 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A Message from Project Fierce



As you may know, I am part of a group of folks who is dreaming big--that we can have our own volunteer-run house for street-based LGBTQ youth without relying on that state for funding or taking money out of other great housing resources that already exist. Project Fierce Chicago is doing more than just dreaming. After a year of research, we've been recruiting volunteers and raising funds to pay for this house.

Over 175 people have responded with amazing support, offering an impressive amount of expertise, time, and donations including $7,800 of our $10,000 downpayment. 

As we enter into the last 2 days of our campaign, we want to thank everyone who has already donated and encourage anyone who is thinking about it to donate now. Please become a part of Project Fierce Chicago today by donating and sending an email to 5 people you think would love to support this project.

Solidarity and queer love,

André Pérez
Co-founder of Project Fierce Chicago
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