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Romance: A Safer Space Discussion


Yes, the topic this week is romance but stay with me, here. With Valentine's Day upon us, we're bombarded with messages about romance (though it's hardly limited to this time of year). These messages tell us what roles we're supposed to take based on what are often quite flimsy assumptions about gender, as well as what "romance" looks like. The picture we're presented quite often looks very different from what we want for ourselves, regardless of how we identify in terms of gender, sexuality, or even how we structure our romantic life (up to and including opting out of the whole mess, entirely).

So let's take some time to talk about the kinds of messages society sends us about romance, how we interpret those messages and how they match up to our lived experiences in our day-to-day lives.

Wednesday, February 12, 7:00pm to 8:15pm
Center on Halsted, 2nd Floor (ask for room number at reception desk)
3656 N. Halsted St. 

Genderqueer Chicago is as safe a space as we can make it. To help with this, we have some working agreements that we would like all who come to meetings to keep in mind while within our safe space meetings. Please check out our working agreements here.

Safe space meetings are strictly closed to researchers and reporters in their professional capacities. Meetings are open to anyone else wanting to talk and think about gender! For more info, give us a shout at genderqueerchicago@gmail.com!
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