01 02 03 Genderqueer Chicago: Where Do You Fit In? A Safer Space Discussion 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Where Do You Fit In? A Safer Space Discussion

In our community and out of our community, as trans people, this is an important question for us. Where do you fit in? Where do you want to fit in? Have you ever forced yourself to fit somewhere you just didn't belong? What happened? How do you know when you fit?

Wednesday, March 9th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm
Center on Halsted, 2nd Floor Room 202
3656 N. Halsted St. 
Genderqueer Chicago is as safe a space as we can make it. To help with this, we have some working agreements that we would like all who come to meetings to keep in mind while within our safe space meetings. Please check out our working agreements here.

Safe space meetings are strictly closed to researchers and reporters in their professional capacities. Meetings are open to anyone else wanting to talk and think about gender! For more info, give us a shout at genderqueerchicago@gmail.com
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